The Bio-inspired Materials Genome Initiative Project (BioMGI) aims to develop bioinspired materials with excellent mechanical properties such as lightweight, high strength, and high toughness. The study of natural structural biomaterials, multi-scale structural analysis, mechanical property testing, functional verification, and multi-scale simulation to clarify the strengthening/toughening mechanism of biology. In BioMGI, some advanced engineering methods are applied to achieve novel lightweight structural materials, such as 3D printing (3DP), deep learning (DL), genetic algorithms (GA), reinforcement learning (RL), etc. These techniques not only predict material properties but also accelerate/create the structural design.
Development of the BioMGI is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) through its Department of Engineering and Technologies, via the Intelligent Biomimetic Materials and MGI Design Platform program. BioMGI is a cross-disciplinary collaboration between National Tsing Hua University, National Taiwan University, and National Cheng Kung University.